Our Clients


Typically, our private clients are professional / sophisticated investors, business owners, self-employed, partners within professional practices or high earning PAYE employees that enjoy an income in excess of £100,000 per annum.

Many of our clients share common challenges and concerns such as financial security, investment management, retirement planning and the wish to provide financial support for their loved ones.

Below is a small sample of the typical concerns we often hear:

  • The wealthier I become the more complex, confusing and time consuming the day-to-day management of my own financial affairs has become.  I have a Stock Broker, an Accountant, a Premier Bank Manager and Investment Managers. How can I possibly find the time to coordinate and monitor their activities?
  • My business is doing well, but how can I extract the profits generated by the business in a tax efficient manner?
  • I am simply far too busy to keep track of my household financial position.
  • Our bank has just informed us our business overdraft must be reduced by £400,000 within the next 90 days. What can we do?
  • My tax bill is enormous, is there anything I can do to reduce this?
  • We are thinking of selling our business within the next 12 months, but have never done this before. Can you help?

Moneyspider Consultancy Limited provides tailor made solutions and dynamic assistance to mitigate each of these problems and a myriad of other financial concerns you may have.

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